
Write in Your Own Voice - The Key to a Successful PhD Thesis

Writing a thesis is not the simplest thing. Having drafted a couple of chapters, you will find yourself struggling to organise your thoughts in a simpler form. All the ideas that you would be researching and writing would come together to your mind as a puzzle. With each passing day, writing will become a colossal task, and eventually, you will feel it like impossible to finish. 

Overcome the fear of writing
There is an inherent tension when writing a thesis. First, the fear of conducting research independently and write it as an academic. Second, the fear of reading all literature related to your subject area and claiming the argument with your own voice. These differ from stylish research reports. Always bear in mind that you are writing a thesis that has a solution to a specific issue to contribute benefits to the society. Therefore, it is essential that you have the potential to convey what you are writing in it. If you are unable to do so, you are no longer writing your own thesis. 

Boost your confidence
Sometimes research is not about the mere collection of data and conducting experiments, but rather of conducting thought experiments and therefore it becomes difficult to make a distinction between your original thoughts and existing knowledge. If you make any claim without any evidence, your arguments will be naive and ill-founded. It is paramount that you get your own voice of writing. There is no magical way to develop your own voice of writing. 

Read some academic books of your own interest
Or, you can also read science fiction and nonfiction stories. This will help you identify your own writing style. It is basically a starting point for developing your writing style. Some writers are habitual of creating complex sentences in a comprehensible way. However, some writers lose track of meaning. Some have the talent to inject humour or slight sarcasm in a conversation, but some lack the skills. There are many good styles. So identify which works best for you. Develop a habit of writing. Try to find out a fixed time for writing. Initially, you will feel the writer’s block, but slowly and surely, you will get into the swing of it. 

Use these ways to generate your own voice and use that to formulate your thesis, your own position and defend your thesis.

Category : PhD Thesis
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